Radio Towers Project - Emerald Hills


NEIGHBORHOODS (Process 4) Neighborhood

Development Permit, Neighborhood Use Permit, Vesting Tentative Map, and Site Development Permit for the removal of existing broadcasting towers and outbuildings for the construction of 130 lots consisting of 123 lots each with a single dwelling unit (13 units will be affordable) and 7 private HOA open space lots, development of public streets within the PROW for internal circulation, and public & private utility improvements at 5702 Old Memory Ln. The 31.18-acre project site is in the RS-1-2 base zone within the Encanto Neighborhoods Community Plan area. Council District 4.

Job address: 5702 Old Memory Ln, San Diego, CA

Job APN: 5433400200

Job Drawing Number: N/A

Job ID: JOB-061942

This land was set aside as park land in our community plan and now the plan is to fill it with houses, using a corrupt footnote.

This property is set to go through, even though it uses Footnote 7, that has since been repealed, allowing builders, D.H. Horton, to build a single family home on 5,000 square feet rather than the 20, 000 square feet rule for the rest of the city.

The vision for this property, for us in 92114, is to have a Kate Sessions style park for everyone in the world to enjoy as a destination when visiting San Diego. There are panoramic views of the Coronado Bridge and Downtown. It is designated as park land in our community plan. This park would be the grand finale that the citizens of District 4 deserve


6818 (6822) Brooklyn - 16 ADUs


1362 Klauber Avenue - Uses Footnote 7 - 25 houses